Monday, September 30, 2013

Color me immersed

   To help me understand the cultural here Shannon and Kathy had me spend the night with one of the nationals. Everyone who comes here for an extended amount of time has to do this and most experiences are good and educational. I must admit, I had been dreading this event since Kathy told me about it long ago. I mean what was I supposed to talk about for over twenty-four hours. While my hosts knew some English, the wife being my translator friend, it is still hard to communicate sometimes. However, as I got closer to my "cultural immersion" Jesus gave me peace and told me, "Hey, this will make a great story." He knows me too well.

Good to know this song is not limited to the American South.

   We started our adventure at a three hour training session all in the native language. This session took place in the Muslim background believers building and had about thirty people in attendance. That day they learned about house churches and the importance of discipleship. If we go to a village and see someone become a believer and then leave, what good does that do for them? Nothing. We must stand by them until at least one other person comes to the faith. About halfway through the lesson Anna (my translator friend) and I left to meet up with one of the young girls I will be disciplining during my time here.

    Rosie is about fourteen years old and her parents are believers who work for S and K. She is one of the most shy people I ever met. I had been warned of her shyness so tried to prepare myself by thinking about my shy friends and how they like to be approached. Some of my shy friends deny they are shy and instead like to be called observant. So I thought about them and what they have "observed" about people. If I am being honest, I enjoy my observant friends because they really do pick up on things that I miss because they take time to see and listen. So knowing this I was careful to not be spastic, loud or pepper Rosie with questions. She likes puzzles and painting. We will be studying two chapters of Mark a week.

   Anna and I then headed back to the meeting for lunch. The power has been going out quite frequently since we have returned from Bangkok and we have had 87% humidity so we walked back into a group of sweat stains that were talking about Jesus. The church was so generous to provide us with lunch. Let me tell you, I am surprised I still have lips. That food brought my taste buds to their knees begging for mercy. I tried so hard to be a good sport and to take one for the team, but halfway through, after I got out of my spice coma, I told Shannon that I could do it no more. He was ever so kind and showed me where I could casually dump my bowl. For the record, even he who has a way higher spice tolerance then me admitted that the meal was seasoned with dragon's breath.

   Once I entered into this new culture I said good-bye to many things for twenty-four hours. The hardest being western style toilets. Yep, I used a squatty potty like a pro. Good thing I packed my own toilet paper or else I would have had to get creative. Yikes!

   After lunch I went to Anna's family's house for the afternoon. Her home is beautiful and airy and her family is kind. Anna's father is a dentist so they are middle class. His dental chair sits in the living room and acts as quite the conversational piece. A part of me believes that Anna brought me here as an excuse to spend the day with her family because after talking for a bit she left me in her sister's room to entertain myself. Soon her sister, Riley, came into the room and we became fast friends. Riley knows enough English that we were able to communicate. She loves drawing and Cinderella. We watch Aladdin for a bit and then she took me outside to explore their area. A few of her classmates invited us in to sit for a bit. White people attract attention here and people like having them in their homes, but as Shannon puts it, "then they do not know what to do with us once they have us." So we sat in silence for a bit and watched a Hindi Bollywood movie. From what I gathered, it was a love triangle including Romeo and Juliet and the Cheetah girls. Quite entertaining. I then shared my awesome skills of knowing the colors in their language and we giggled about nothing. Soon after Riley and I went back home and watched "White Chicks" on tv. I have never seen this movie before so imagine how awkward it was to to watch this for the first time with people who do not know much about America and think that we are crazy for having black men dress as white chicks. I felt the need to clarify that in real life, I have never witnessed two groups of preppy white girls having a dance battle in a club.

   Soon the whole church arrived and we had a service in their home. It was fun and afterwards we were served dinner. Anna made me my own little bowl of non-spicy chicken curry and I will forever be indebted to her. After dinner I went into Riley's room and taught the little girls two dances and played them "American music" while they showed me their dance skills. I started with One Direction, but they said "NOPE!" They enjoyed the sounds of Maroon 5 and Bruno Mars. Go figure. I had a wonderful time with them.

   Anna, her husband Mark and I then left for their home. Anna and Mark live with Mark's family which is traditional here. A two bed home caters to two married couples and a younger brother and now me. This was the part I was most nervous about. In case you have not picked up on it yet, the women here are very restricted in what they wear and do. So I was curious to see what Anna's pajamas looked like and made sure to wear my schlumpiest pajamas. Where would I change, how would I hide my new look from the men, what were they going to do? Before getting ready for bed Anna and I taught Mark Uno and I smothered myself in mosquito cream. Picture rubbing nice smelling mayo on yourself. I then jumped into the tiny wet bathroom and got read for bed. There is no sink and I cannot drink the water without fear of death (literally) so I had to ration my water bottle. I then jumped into the bed that Anna and I were going to share.

   Let me set this scene up for you: Since two married couples share this home Anna and Mark surround their bed with blankets for privacy. So every night their bed turned into a gypsy oven. The bed is wood with three blankets for cushioning. Needless to say I did not sleep well, but had plenty of time to pray for the people here, you guys and for Shannon and Kathy. Around six in the morning I slithered out of the tent and changed back into my South Asian clothes and then slithered back into place. Once the house was waking up I acted like I was waking up too and put on a great performance with yawning, eye rubbing and the whole nine-yards. Quite convincing.

The church.

   We then ate breakfast, hung out for two hours and then went to the tea gardens to see the church that they had built there for the people. It was a blessing to go back to the place where my team had spent time investing in last year and to see the fruit. I had the opportunity to talk in two of the schools and to reconnect with some of the kids from last year. However, I am still a punk and by noon I was hot, jank nasty, tired and wanted to speak English. So we got on a rickshaw came to S and K's and I said my good-byes. According to Shannon and Kathy I brought a nasty stench with me! After debriefing with Kathy I went home took a long shower and a nap. I then went back to their house for dinner and to spend time with people of my culture.

Still rocking the bracelet we made last year!

The school.

  Overall I had a good experience. I learned many things and I think this event brought Anna and I closer together. I am thankful that these people let me into their world and taught me their culture. I have a new level of appreciation for my blessings. There is a vast difference between seeing the needs of people and living in them. In three words my time was educational, humbling, and hilarious.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lots of bathrooms, lots of pictures

San Fran.

   To end our trip to Thailand we decided to eat dinner at the Thai food court at Terminal 21 and explore all the bathrooms. If you remember from earlier the San Fran floor had the magical baking bathroom. Kathy and I decided to be complete tourists and go to/take pictures of every bathroom in that mall. If you also remember, this mall has an airport theme to it and each floor celebrates the culture of the country it represents.Which meant that we visited seven countries in about two hours.

Istanbul, Turkey.

These were my favorite things in the whole mall!

Family photo! Taken by a group of teenage Asian tourists.

Tokyo, Japan. This one was the creepiest/weirdest.

 Also Japan.


The Caribbean.

Quite proud of this hotel for making a stand against corruption. Also shows that America is not as crazy as we often think. At least we still outlaw some things!

At church with my best bud Clayton.

Shannon took me out on a river taxi for my last hurrah in Bangkok! It was awesome.

   I had a great time in Bangkok. I enjoyed the culture and the food. I learned that America is not the most loose moraled country in the world and that it is impossible to lump all the countries in Asia together as just "Asian..." if that makes sense. Each country is SO different from the next that to lump them together would be to miss out on the uniqueness of each individual culture. Some which have been around for thousands of years. I did enjoy wearing shorts and t-shirts, but now I am back to my genie pants, tunic and scarf.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apparently I walk fast...

   Our family has trekked all over the streets of Bangkok in the past 7 days. I am pretty sure we average AT LEAST a mile a day. I am not complaining because I enjoy walking and I feel that by walking around a place you can truly get to know a place. During these walks it has come to my attention that I am by nature a fast walker. My roommate pointed this fact out to me a few times, but I just thought she was a slow walker and therefore made me seem faster. She would joke that she pitied my future children because I would probably leave them in the store if they could not keep up. I now realize she spoke truth and I pray that my future children will be fast walkers because walking slow does not come naturally to me. I try really hard especially when I am holding Ashlyn's hand, but we always end up a few blocks ahead of the rest of the team. We like to pretend we are on the Amazing Race and have pretty much won every leg of the race.

River taxi.

Low budget security system. If you cannot tell the owners of this property have cemented broken glass bottles to the top of their wall.

   Bangkok is currently in its monsoon season and it rains almost every day. I like that it rains because the weather is cooler, less bugs and the calm mornings. Since we have been at this guest house for so long we have met many families who come and go for just a few days. My favorites have been a couple from the large country of Kazakhstan, the Alma mater of my Aunt, Uncle and cousin and a little boy named Clayton. I have only talked to Clayton once, but what are the chances that I would find a skinny Clayton across the globe? I want to hug him, play Pokemon and jump on trampolines with him. Instead, I send funny cat pictures to my brother Clayton and call it a good day.

Food court selection.

This drink was nasty. It tasted like burnt water mixed with a hint of disgusting tea.
   Today we went to the weekend market and my life has been completed. The one souvenir that I wanted with every fiber of my body was a pair of "Thai pants" that are made of cotton and have elephants on them. I bought seven. Before you judge me be proud of me. I bargained with those those shop people like I could walk away at any minute. I was bad cop and good cop all in one.

 The entrance to the weekend market.

   Actually, I just said I did not have the money they asked for and politely got those pants down to a great price. This action is a big step for me because normally I hate shops like these. The idea of arguing with someone over a price freaks me out. When we went to the Chinese "black market" last year I hid in a corner while my dad did all the talking. However, Rick was not with me and it was time for me to fly out of that nest. I should also note that most of these pants are gifts. I will only keep about three for myself.

Jordan and Ashlyn really wanted to go ice skating so the adults sat in 60 degree temperature for the sake of making children's dreams come true.

   I think I will watch soccer when I come home. I have seen many posters and have caught a few games over here and I like it. Don't worry I will not go crazy I just want a sport to identify with. I also like how all the countries band together over a love for this sport. Except America.

Who knew the nectar of the spirits was actually Red Fanta?

   Kathy and I have a theme that we remind each other of: "be present." So often in our world we as people get caught up in focusing on the next task, what is happening in the social networking world, what is on TV and on future worries that we forget that God has put us wherever we are for a purpose. For example, I absolutely hate it when I am eating a meal with someone and they are on their phone during the course of the meal. A casual check is fine, but we all know those people who their phone is an extension of their hand. Is our real life current relationship not important enough that you could not sacrifice checking stats for 45 min? Be present in the conversation.

 Ashlyn bought this gem and wants to wear it everywhere. She is the cutest.

   I may never be in Bangkok or South Asia ever again so instead of worrying if all my money has come in, how my spending the night with a South Asian couple will go or what is up on Twitter I need to focus on the sights, smells, voices and memories that I am blessed to have here. I also need to be present in my time with Jesus in my room and on the street. I may miss His voice or His direction because I am focused on other things. What a tragedy to miss the voice of my savior because I am too centered on how hot it is or what is for dinner. He will take care of all my needs according to His grace so I need to rest in that fact and intentionally put Him in all areas of my life.

We went to IKEA and this is my new dream room.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Keds are dead.

   Calm down. My Keds are not actually dead they are just dying. I have been wearing them around the town because I love them, they match everything and they make me feel spunky and almost athletic. I feel the need to represent my country everywhere I go and I believe my Keds give off a good American vibe without being in your face. The moral of this story is that I need a new pair because the ones I own are no longer the queens of comfort. Do not let your hearts be troubled, I will never part from my original pair because I am a sentimental pack rat and I will wear them at least once to every new city I go to.

I do like these kicks though!

   With that in mind Bangkok has an interesting fashion sense. Many of the women dress like they are little girls and many of the men dress feminine. We like to guess if a person is a male or female. I wanted to take a picture of an example, but it felt like exploitation so I did not. Androgyny is a thing here. I had the opportunity to explore an eight story mall by myself yesterday and the sights intrigued me and repulsed me. The mannequins had cat or bird faces. Not knowing the language and having already walked through as much mall as I felt necessary to "get the experience" I settled in my home away from home...a bookstore! Bookstores smell wonderful like warmth, conversation, tea, creativity, color and intelligence all in one. I settled into the teen fiction section and read some books and biographies. I almost read an information book on Thailand, but the lure of the colorful fiction section proved too strong to resist.

 My future daughter will wear these and be Miss Personality.

 You see how they look like terminal exits? The levels I saw were Istanbul, Tokyo, San Fran and Paris.

   I tried Thai food for the first time and the verdict came out as awesome! My exact menu was roasted duck, rice, veggie/fruit smoothie and mango sticky rice all for about three dollars! We ate this food at a different mall. This mall, called the Terminal Mall, has an airport theme and every floor represents a different country. I want to explore this mall so badly. On the America floor you can find a San Fransisco bridge replica and a three story tall Oscar award. The bathrooms also have their own themes and so far my favorite has been a baking themed bathroom with mixing bowl sinks!

This was fun. 

   I have enjoyed meeting some of the other people at the guest house especially an  older woman who runs a guest house in another country. She epitomizes warm conversation, giggles, loving counsel, and pizazz. I kinda want to be like her when I grow up. I like the idea of running a guest house in a foreign country for people in the company. The houses can offer much needed hospitality and home. When we visit the different ones I like to look at their strengths and what I might do differently. I like that you can meet people from all over, make them fell cared for, share stories, serve great meals and still serve in your area. Maybe God wants me to run one of these bad boys some day. In this guesthouse we are not supposed to flush the toilet paper because of the plumbing style here so after you do the deed you throw away your used paper. So that's fun.

Coloring buddies!

   One of my new imaginative stories details what people think when they see our "family" walking down the street. I know that I look a little out of place and I would be curious to see how they thought that I fit in. Am I the surprise child that Shannon and Kathy had and then waited ten years to start their family? Am I the adopted niece whose parents were deadbeats and S and K took me in because of their love for Jesus? Am I an Au Pair traveling with them to exotic lands? Am I the young aunt who tired of her boring life in the states so moved in with my sister to help them out and seek adventure? Most likely people do not think twice about my role or just see me as another foreigner, but it amuses me so I will keep on creating my story.

   The support and love that I have received from my people has bolstered me and given me the freedom to explore and work without regret. Thank you guys for your messages, emails, texts and prayers. I enjoy being kept in the loop and to know that I am not forgotten. I look forward to my Skype dates and checking Facebook and gmail everyday to see what everyone is doing and to have a taste of home while I am in Asia. You guys are the best and if I ever make lots of money or we all go to Thailand together I will serve you roasted duck.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Slums, Nando's and Bangkok

A lot has happened since the list time we chatted. I finally had the opportunity to visit the slums that I will be working in twice a week for the next few months. One slum we need to first figure out how to get in there. There used to be an opening, but it has been sealed with sticks and rope. A murky river runs between us and the slum. When we get back from Bangkok that will be one of my first priorities.

 The other slum is across from a school and I met a couple of the children who inhabit that area. Their giggles and smiles catch fire and they have the most beautiful faces. One of the older girls loved my Henna and wanted to hold my hand the whole time. I really wish I could speak their language better and by better I mean I wish I knew more than colors and "What is your name?" I took a picture of them and then got on the ground and drew a stick figure recreation of that picture to learn their names. I think they enjoyed that.

I guess everyone appreciated some Monday night football!

The night before we left for Bangkok I spent the night with Kathy and Shannon since we planned on leaving at 5:30am. Ashlyn and I had a slumber party! She wants us to have a slumber party in America because she says they are better over there. I think that a slumber party's fun level depends on the people, but being 8 years old she probably knows more than I do. Anyway, we made cookies and chatted. The power kept going off so the whole family had an intimate candlelit dinner of leftovers. Be jealous.
Everyone walks with umbrellas because they bring the temperature down from 90 degrees to 80.

The trip to the capital was a doozy and I started to get delirious from lack of sleep. Random things made me laugh for an inappropriate amount of time. We ate lunch at a Pizza Hut and I took a nap in the afternoon. This all builds up to when Kathy and Shannon acted like Disney and made my dreams come true. Most of you may know that I am a fan of the boy band One Direction. One of the members, Niall Horan, always talks about the restaurant Nando's and how much he loves it. In fact, I think Nando's gave him a lifetime supply of their food due to his constant promotion. When I found out that a Nando's existed in the capital I told Kathy of my secret dream. Let me tell you, that restaurant lived up to all my hopes and expectations. The food had just the right amount of spice, the meat was oh so tender and juicy and the atmosphere felt hip and urban. I may or may not have tweeted at Niall about my experience. I am still waiting for a reply and for us to fall madly in love.

 My fellow Nando's enthusiast. 

On a more serious note, the night in the capital was a tough one. Oppression and darkness are palpable in this area and a mosque is located next to where we stayed. The call to prayers really bother me especially in the night. If I am already asleep then it is no matter, but if I am awake I have a hard time going back to sleep. Maybe a part of it is the fear that I associate with Islam or maybe it is because I know what is truth and it hurts my heart to hear the lie. Either way I slept very little that night. 

I dozed off on the plane and watched the Tina Fey/Paul Rudd movie Admission. The plane landed before I finished so I hope I can watch it again on the way back. Bangkok is quite lovely. The city is clean and well structured with LOTS of trees. I like that fact. The airport exuded swankness and they had a lot of Buddhist murals and statues which were extremely ornate. The guest house we are in is fantastic! I love my room and bathroom. I could live here forever. It is fun to talk to the different families and learn their stories. The best part is that this is the house that my Aunt and Uncle stayed in to have my cousin Josh. I like to think that the places I am going to they went to as well. It gives me a sense of peace and familiarity to share this place with them.

 A shrine in Bangkok.

These wires look like a hot mess and an explosion waiting to happen!

Tomorrow we start up the school week and do a bit of shopping! After the crazy week we had last week I am thankful for this time of rest and recharging. I also like the exploring. I can now proudly say that my Keds have been to Baltimore, Beijing and Bangkok!

 Found these gems in the ladies room of a Bangkok Mexican restaurant.

 You're welcome.