I fear that I have neglected tell you all what God has been specifically teaching me since I left. I apologize for that. One of the greatest things about this journey that I am on is that I have to fill myself with Jesus every morning and even throughout the day. In America it can be easy to look past this need because some days I do nothing with my life but watch House Hunters and bake cakes. Here I am doing something for Jesus at all times and I am reminded of how dependent I am on Him because I am such a foreigner here.
This picture is for my mom, Jessie and all you other crazy people who are obsessed.
With the help of Experiencing God Day-by-Day I have learned that in our Christian walk we often settle for just a touch or a little look of Jesus. We settle for so much less than He wants to give us and have with us. Two examples in scripture are Zacchaeus and the bleeding woman. Zacchaeus climbed up that tree and only wanted to see Jesus, but Jesus said, "actually I want to come to your home for dinner and build a relationship with you" (paraphrased). The bleeding woman knew that if she only touched the hem of Jesus' robe she would be healed. However, Jesus felt her and knew her so He called her out of the crowd and talked with her as an individual and not as another sick person looking for healing. We must not settle for a paltry version of what our relationship with Jesus could be if we surrender to Him.
We had three blackouts in one day! It is funny to hear and watch the natives responses.
As most of you know I never think I am good enough for anything and I have a difficult time extending myself grace. While here, I compare myself to the summer interns and wonder if I will ever be at their level. As always, this comparison comes only from me and not from the people around me. Today, God brought me to John 21:18-23 where Jesus predicts Peter's death and Peter wants to know what happens to John. From this passage God said to me, "Melissa, it is not for you to compare yourself to others or to try and be or do something that I have not asked you to do. I have a purpose for you as an individual here and you need to focus on that. What I do through you will be different than what I did through others because you are uniquely made." That was a comforting slap to my face and ego.
On another note, I have found that the native people have short and tiny legs so their pants often do not fit me. So far, I have had to sacrifice three pairs of pants on the alter of being appropriate. I am an oaf in a country of little people.
His name is Richard and he is adorable. The natives likes having white people hold their children.
This picture is for my mom, Jessie and all you other crazy people who are obsessed.
With the help of Experiencing God Day-by-Day I have learned that in our Christian walk we often settle for just a touch or a little look of Jesus. We settle for so much less than He wants to give us and have with us. Two examples in scripture are Zacchaeus and the bleeding woman. Zacchaeus climbed up that tree and only wanted to see Jesus, but Jesus said, "actually I want to come to your home for dinner and build a relationship with you" (paraphrased). The bleeding woman knew that if she only touched the hem of Jesus' robe she would be healed. However, Jesus felt her and knew her so He called her out of the crowd and talked with her as an individual and not as another sick person looking for healing. We must not settle for a paltry version of what our relationship with Jesus could be if we surrender to Him.
We had three blackouts in one day! It is funny to hear and watch the natives responses.
As most of you know I never think I am good enough for anything and I have a difficult time extending myself grace. While here, I compare myself to the summer interns and wonder if I will ever be at their level. As always, this comparison comes only from me and not from the people around me. Today, God brought me to John 21:18-23 where Jesus predicts Peter's death and Peter wants to know what happens to John. From this passage God said to me, "Melissa, it is not for you to compare yourself to others or to try and be or do something that I have not asked you to do. I have a purpose for you as an individual here and you need to focus on that. What I do through you will be different than what I did through others because you are uniquely made." That was a comforting slap to my face and ego.
How kind that they include a spoon?
His name is Richard and he is adorable. The natives likes having white people hold their children.
This little girl is a spunk! When the team came last year she danced in front of all the other kids and I was happy to see her again. I hope that we will become friends because I like her style.
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