We have had so many power outages of late it is getting way out of hand. If you do not believe me either ask Shannon and Kathy or the people that I have been Skyping. My computer is on the later half of its life so it constantly needs to be plugged into a power source to work. Therefore when the power goes I go. Sometimes I can just Skype on my phone, but that can be fickle to. I think my favorite moment was earlier this week I was talking to Sarah Burton and after about 30min my room, the screen, and my world went black. So then Sarah and I quickly said good-bye and I sat in the dark and thought about the meaning of life. It was only 7 so I was not very tired. I had a lot of time to think that night. Take heart! All this means that I have had plenty of time to to pray for all of you! So when you give me things to pray for know that they are being prayed for.
Many great things have happened this week! The Lord is moving and shaking in the lives of some of the people. The biggest breakthrough has come from the parlors. One woman in particular is open to the gospel and we will be meeting with her hopefully once a week to the study the word. The last time Anna and I went to the parlor I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to share my story and have them to do their own designs. The women at this parlor are very proud of their designs and I think they enjoy showing off their talents. It would be like showing van Gogh a picture from my coloring book and limiting him to that picture alone when I know he was capable of so much more. The bible story Hennas are required at the beginning stages, but these women have heard four of those stories and I could tell they were itching to show me "real Henna." I digress. After telling my story of faith and why I came to their country one of the women who we have been praying for since this summer said that she was interested in the gospel and wants to raise her children up in truth. Huzzah! Please pray for her and for the other women in the parlor. One of the other women is interested in the word and the other is guarded and reserved. She will take lots of prayer to take a baby step of faith.
We have been unable to go to the slums because of government issues so please pray for those people and that we will have an open door soon. We will be teaching medical classes to the mothers. They will learn about germs, clean water, simple medicine tricks, washing hands, etc... I am looking forward to these classes. The people need this information so bad. Interestingly enough, the time that I talk about diarrhea I will also talk about the fall of man. How fitting.
I have been in the classroom with the kids a lot this week and I love it! I am learning so many things along with them. This week we learned about thermal, kinetic and potential energy! That was a refresher for me. History is my favorite as we are learning the states. They seem to have a hard time remembering them all so if any of you know a song or a trick please let me know. Yesterday Jordan wanted to play Apples to Apples during break, but instead of playing the kids one he insisted on playing the "adult" one (the regular one). I told him this was a bad idea, but being ten he obviously knows more than me. It turned out to be hilarious for me to try and explain Rush Limbaugh, John Travolta and cults to the kids. My favorite memory was when Jordan asked me what happened in Boston, MS. Ashlyn replied with all the confidence in the world that "Boston is where Pearl Harbor was attacked which started the Civil War." So close. Do not worry I gently took apart that sentence and clarified some things. Still makes me giggle.
This week I have been reminded that God never gives us more than we can handle and is always looking to make sure we have all we need according to His love and mercy. For example, the day we were supposed to start health lessons in the Slums Shannon was going to take over school and Kathy was going to go on a home visit. God said,"NOPE!" and knew that Shannon needed to spend more time doing budgets and encouraging Kathy, I needed to rest some and finish school with kids and spend time with Ash, who I have been a bit to busy for outside of school and that Kathy needed the support of her "team." So instead of me going to the slums, Shannon teaching school and Kathy going brain dead from too much studying we all were given the tasks that we really needed. Which lowered stress and made everyone feel better about life in general.
We also had the pleasure of going to a national's birthday lunch this week. When we sauntered into their home Titanic was on the TV. No one in that room had seen the movie more than once so we were trying to figure out when "the scene" was going to come on, because the last thing we needed was for Ash and Jo to see that and to be watching such an intimate scene with the ultra conservative nationals. Trust me, it would have been the most awkwardly hilarious moment of my life and I have had plenty of those! Using context clues we deduced when the scene was coming and Shannon turned off the television. We then settled down and ate the best native food I have ever had. Instead of being spicy it was buttery. I ate my whole bowl for the first time. We then gave Mark our present, a tent that he so desperately wanted and then we put it up, took pictures and took our leave. Quite a pleasant afternoon.
Today is my sabbath so between the power outages (we have had three this morning alone) I am enjoying a relaxing day of Skype dates, reading and television. I hope that this letter helps you guys know what to pray for and made you smile!
Family bonding.
We have these same flowers at my house so I like to walk by them and think of home.
I have been in the classroom with the kids a lot this week and I love it! I am learning so many things along with them. This week we learned about thermal, kinetic and potential energy! That was a refresher for me. History is my favorite as we are learning the states. They seem to have a hard time remembering them all so if any of you know a song or a trick please let me know. Yesterday Jordan wanted to play Apples to Apples during break, but instead of playing the kids one he insisted on playing the "adult" one (the regular one). I told him this was a bad idea, but being ten he obviously knows more than me. It turned out to be hilarious for me to try and explain Rush Limbaugh, John Travolta and cults to the kids. My favorite memory was when Jordan asked me what happened in Boston, MS. Ashlyn replied with all the confidence in the world that "Boston is where Pearl Harbor was attacked which started the Civil War." So close. Do not worry I gently took apart that sentence and clarified some things. Still makes me giggle.
The nationals do not know what to think of this odd shaped ball we lovingly call a football.
We also had the pleasure of going to a national's birthday lunch this week. When we sauntered into their home Titanic was on the TV. No one in that room had seen the movie more than once so we were trying to figure out when "the scene" was going to come on, because the last thing we needed was for Ash and Jo to see that and to be watching such an intimate scene with the ultra conservative nationals. Trust me, it would have been the most awkwardly hilarious moment of my life and I have had plenty of those! Using context clues we deduced when the scene was coming and Shannon turned off the television. We then settled down and ate the best native food I have ever had. Instead of being spicy it was buttery. I ate my whole bowl for the first time. We then gave Mark our present, a tent that he so desperately wanted and then we put it up, took pictures and took our leave. Quite a pleasant afternoon.
Construction team.
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